Fruits and Vegetable Grading

Fresh fruits and vegetables (produce) are labelled using special codes and numbers when sold in grocery stores. These codes are usually found on stickers that are placed on the outside skin of the produce; which have a special meaning that refer to their level of ripeness and quality.

Codes & their meanings:

“Fancy”: This word is somewhat rare to find in the United States food Market. It indicates the highest level of quality. Fruits and vegetables in this category last the longest time due to the fact that they were picked, stored and transported to maintain optimum freshness. They are also much higher in price.

“No1”: This code is the most commonly used within a large number of food distributors in the U.S. Produce in this category stay fresh for almost a week. They are uniform in shape, size, and have a vibrant color. They are best used for salads and non-bake recipes.

“No2”: This code indicates that the quality of the produce is acceptable. There may be some variation in color, shape, and size. Foods purchased with this code should be used within a few days to prevent it from spoilage. Such produce are best for salads, casseroles , or baked goods.

“No3”: This code identifies produce that are considered within the lowest marketable quality. They are best used within the same day of purchase or the next day due to the fact that they spoil much faster than any other type. At the time of purchase they are at peak ripeness which make them perfect for sauces, casseroles, or baking.


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