Roasting Nuts


Nuts are loaded up with healthy mono and poly unsaturated fats. Those types of fats are naturally present in many foods such as fatty fish, nuts, and some plants like avocados. They are usually liquid at room temperature.
Some other tropical plant oils like palm and coconut contain mono and poly fats but are also high in saturated fats which make them solid at room temperature.
Such fats play a role in many processes in the body. 1 gram of fat provides 9 calories. They are also found to be linked to many health benefits. According to the Dietary Guidelines for Americans, consuming a balanced amount of these fats and using them instead of saturated fats may play a role in reducing the onset of cardiovascular disease. Another study found that consuming a variety of nuts may reduce risk factors associated with type 2 diabetes and obesity.
Adding nuts as a garnish to your meals or even consuming them as a snack are ways to increase your intake of these healthy fats.
Roasting nuts can be done using a dry method or by using oil. Both ways do not change their nutritional value. Although it does change their chemical composition slightly by reducing their moisture content making them more crunchy. Dry roasting is highly recommend to avoid unnecessary extra oils and fats added to your meal.


Reading a Nutrition Label


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