Health benefits of the Sweetsop Fruit


Have you ever heard of the sweetsop or sugar-apple fruit? This juicy, sweet and fragrant fruit is widely grown in the West Indies and in Asia. It is a powerhouse of vitamins and minerals which play a vital role in our health.

Only one cup serving contains 11 grams of fiber! It is also an excellent source of vitamins C and B6. This fruit contains a good amount of minerals such as iron, magnesium, phosphorus and potassium. *USDA Nutrition Facts Label*

Studies have found that vitamin B6 is a strong antioxidant that helps fight inflammation and may have a role in cancer prevention. Mostly all of the B vitamins can serve as protectors for the brain health which may help prevent neurological disorders.

Minerals are very important for the body’s normal functioning and health. Each and every one of those minerals has a specific role that aids in our well being.


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Reading a Nutrition Label