Medjool Dates
Dates is a staple in many Middle Eastern Countries. They come in many colors, shapes, sizes, and even tastes! They are also being grown in many countries and different climates. One of the most famous kinds are Medjool dates.
Medjool Dates provide a concentrated amount of calories and nutrients in a very small serving. Only 2 Medjool dates (48 grams) are a good source of vitamin b-6, cuppor, and magnesium. They also provide about 36 g of carbohydrates, less than 1 gram of proteins, and 0 fats.
When eating dates it would be wise to keep your intake limited to one serving, which is 2 dates or 48 grams. They are a perfect snack for people who are looking for a quick grab and go healthy and nutritious carbohydrates source. To help boost your snack nutrients level, add a few pieces of nuts on the side which will increase your proteins and healthy fats while getting the carbohydrates you need from the dates.
Sources: USDA, Food Date Central