How to Increase your Fruits and Vegetables Intake

Many people think that creamy, mouth filling, satisfying, and delicious foods cannot be healthy or include wholesome ingredients like fruits and vegetables. What if I tell you, yes, they can! You do not have to give up the foods you love in order to be healthy. Adding Fruits and vegetables to your holiday cooking will increase your intake of fiber and nutrients. You can use canned, dry, or even frozen fruits and vegetables to any dish. The best news is that the nutritional value is still comparable to their fresh versions.

Here are five simple tips to help you increase your intake:

1.     Use canned or frozen versions of foods for soups, and sauces

2.     Use dried fruits to add a tangy and sweet taste to salads, casseroles or any meat dishes

3.     Substitute rice with cauliflower in many recipes to reduce calories and increase nutrients

4.     Use different kinds of potatoes such as red skinned, purple, or sweet potatoes for a boarder range of vitamins and minerals

5.     Add a variety of greens and fruits to salads, burgers, pizza, and even sandwiches for an interesting taste  


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