Pumpkin Cranberry Parfait


It’s this time of year when cranberrys and pumpkins are available in every food form. Here is a way on how to make your own low fat and low calorie dessert that is a mixture of sweet and tangy, and will sure satisfy your cravings.


5 cups non fat yogurt

5 (1.8)oz Belvita pumpkin spice cookies

for the sauce:

4 cups cranberry

1 cup water 

3/4 cup coconut sugar

1/4 cups organic maple syrup 

1/4 teaspoon cinnamon powder 

Dash of salt 


  1. Combine all of the sauce ingredients in a sauce pan, mix well and cook on medium to low heat till consistency has thickened 

  2. Crush 4 biscuits in a zip lock

  3. Layer the parfait starting with the biscuit crumps, sauce, then yogurt, And top of with a tablespoon of the sauce and some crumps.

Nutritional Information ℹ️

Recipe yields 10 servings

each serving contains:

56 g carbs

8 g proteins

4 g fat

calories per serving: 290


Butternut Pumpkin Soup


Golden Tea