Bluenu’s Skinny Parfait
Depending on what ingredients in them, Parfaits can be one of the easiest and most nutritious quick snacks or even breakfasts out there!
this recipe uses Bluenu’s Signature Jam which is low in calories and free of refined sugar!
To make the parfaits you need:
2 cups nonfat Greek yogurt (which is higher in protein than regular yogurt)
1 1/3 cup French Vanilla Almond Granola (or any other low sugar, low sodium granola
4 tbsp of Bluenu’s Signature Jam
Layer parfaits starting with granola and then 1/4 cup of yogurt, 1 tsp of jam, and then repeat
each cup will hold 1/2 cup of yogurt, 1 tbsp of jam, 1/3 cup granola
Nutritional Information ℹ️
34 g carbs
14 g proteins
5 g fat
240 calories
recipe yields 4 servings*