Tomato Feta Salad
Tomatoes are easy to add to many dishes. They are a perfect addition to salads and add juiciness to any dish. Their high level of the antioxidant “lycopenes” make them super nutritious.
This easy and quick salad is great for breakfast or dinner and can be a perfect compliment to many dishes.
2 tomatoes
2 oz. crumbled feta cheese
5 kalamata olives
1/2 cup cilantro
1 tbsp olive oil
1/2 lime juice
1/2 tsp dry mint
salt and pepper to taste
wash and cut tomatoes into small cubes
wash and chop cilantro
Add all ingredients and mix
Nutritional Information ℹ️
8 g carbs
7 g proteins
13 g fat
calories per serving: 180